Wednesday, May 2, 2012


We were over in our neighbors yard picking peaches when we stumbled upon this little guy. He was so gorgeous! We got some great photos and sent him on his way to find his princess. 

One of Hansi and myself's favorite activities is going to the RSL games. We love the dramatic fans and the killer emotion we get on the players faces in the photos. These are just a few of the great shots I have gotten. And yes I guess palm to forehead blocking is a legal move now.

Hans and I travel a lot. Mostly too and from St. George. We absolutely hate leaving St. George so we stay till the last minute, which means driving home in the weeeeee hours of the morning. Although very exhausted we get some AMAZING shots. Here is a stunning panoramic we are going to hang in our home. 

This picture above was the morning after our wedding. It was such a gorgeous sight to finally be married and have this wonderful view out our french doors. 

Hans and I love to go on hikes. It is one of our favorite things. We saw these awesome green flowers, or weeds, and decided to get a quick shot when we noticed this little guy. Can....ya see him? Can ya? Can ya? Can ya? Can ya?

This shot is of the waterfall we hiked to a couple weeks ago. The water was just pouring off the mountain side and it was such a beautiful site. I loved this picture because of the rainbow! The destination of this hike was very much like a pot of gold. 

1 comment:

  1. I love those moon pictures. They are seriously so cool! I like what you're doing here Cliff!
